Five Things Holly and Abby Learned at CE

Five things Holly and Abby learned at their recent CE Course
1.       The CDC estimates that over 50% of oral cancers have already spread by the time they are discovered. That’s why we always do a thorough oral cancer screening!
2.       If your mouth isn’t healthy, you aren’t healthy. Bleeding gums are never okay.
3.       A study recently predicted that by 2015, 75% of adults will be overweight and 41% will be obese. Did you know that fat cells cause inflammation which can affect your oral health?
4.       Another study linked osteoporosis with an increased risk of periodontal disease by 86%
5.       It has been reported that 90% of weight loss is achieved by cutting calories; only about 10% is achieved by increasing physical activity
Course material and information provided by Dianne Glasscoe Watterson RDH, BS, MBA