
Corson Dentistry Denver inlays-onlays sedationHave you been afraid to call a dentist, even though you know it’s time for a cleaning and/or you need dental care? Do you feel anxious or fearful about going into a dental office, and thus avoid it? Are you in pain now, but can’t bear the thought of receiving dental treatment? Do you wish that you could feel relaxed, safe, and comfortable every time you visit the dentist? Would you prefer to have complex dental treatment or surgery performed in just one, painless visit?

If so, you’ll be pleased to know that sedation dentistry is the answer to your concerns. Corson Dentistry has different types of sedation available: laughing gas or nitrous oxide, oral sedation and IV sedation.

All of these types of sedation dentistry provide the same benefit: They allow you to get the dental treatment you need, without fear or discomfort.

If you, or someone you care about, has been avoiding a trip to the dentist, consider visiting a sedation dentist who can make your next dental visit your most pleasant one.

Fear and anxiety are two terms often used interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference. Fear tends to be a short-lived phenomenon that disappears once the threat or danger passes. Anxiety, however, is more of an internal emotional response, one learned from either personal negative experiences or second hand via the recounts of others. Both of these ignite your sympathetic nervous system, the “Fight or Flight” control center, once the threat presents or anticipation becomes overwhelming. Presto. You feel like a mess.

You become mad at yourself for the way you are feeling and the inability to control it. Do any of these sound familiar: sweaty hands, racing heart, feeling as if you’ll hyperventilate, profuse perspiration, or jitters? Have you canceled appointments or never scheduled them because it is easier to suffer with the pain than face the anxiety? Whether the threat is real (fear) or perceived or anticipated (anxiety) does not make a difference; you will soon learn that we will treat you with the same compassion and care.

If you identify with these descriptions and are looking for someone who will give your fears and anxieties the same diagnostic attention as your cavities, you can relax. You have come to the right place. We want to be your “light at the end of the tunnel” of dental anxiety.